How to get funding

How to get funding


The preparation of the project proposal is a complex process that requires knowledge, competencies, and field expertise from the project partners.

However, it can be generally put down into 5 main steps:

1.    Identify a cross-border problem and relevant target groups and stakeholders.
2.    Form an eligible and relevant partnership.
3.    Define project objectives expressed in the form of tangible outputs and results.
4.    Structure the corresponding budget, determine the timeframe and identify relevant activities.
5.    Fill in and submit the Application Form when the Call for proposals is opened (within the set deadline).

Please make sure to get familiar with the rules and requirements set by the Programme in the documents as well as all specific features of the South Baltic projects.

Głównym celem Funduszy Europejskich jest zmniejszenie różnic w rozwoju krajów i regionów, co zwiększa konkurencyjność krajów członkowskich i samej Unii na globalnym rynku

  • Your organisation has a legal personality;
  • Your organisation is based in the eligible area (in exceptional and well-justified cases, project partners can be located outside the eligible Programme area; see section III.2 of the Programme Manual);
  • Your organisation faces a challenge / an opportunity related to SME internationalisation or SME innovation, sustainable
  • transport or tourism, green technologies, human resource or cooperation capacities;
  • The challenge / opportunity requires joint actions across borders;
  • The joint action can be accomplished by your organisation and your partner organisation(s) from (an)other Member State(s);
  • The joint action will be carried out in the Programme eligible area;
  • The joint action corresponds with a Programme specific objective.

The Programme provides co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for cooperation activities between two or more organisations from at least two participating Member States. The funds available for cross-border efforts that unlock the potential for blue and green growth amount to ca. 78 M EUR. The co-financing rate for Polish, Lithuanian and German beneficiaries is up to 85% of their eligible project costs, while Swedish and Danish beneficiaries receive up to 75% of ERDF co-financing. The ERDF co-financing is paid on the basis of semi-annual reimbursements.

Discover our projects

Cooperation between the creative industries protagonists and...

Cooperation between the creative industries protagonists and local networks

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    text for dla

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    text for na co

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    text for co

SB region’s creative industry sector

SB region’s creative industry sector

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    text for dla

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    text for na co

  • What

    text for co

This is where the idea for the Creative Clusters arose

This is where the idea for the Creative Clusters arose

  • For

    text for dla

  • For what?

    text for na co

  • What

    text for co

Medium-sized cities and rural areas of the South Baltic (SB)

Medium-sized cities and rural areas of the South Baltic (SB)

  • For

    text for dla

  • For what?

    text for na co

  • What

    text for co

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