Registration is open for the Interreg South Baltic Networking Meeting #2


The registration is now open for the second virtual networking meeting organised by the Joint Secretariat.

The meeting is scheduled for 21 September 2021, 10:00-12:30 CET, through the ZOOM platform.

During the meeting, we will focus on cooperation and will celebrate the 10th anniversary of European Cooperation Day.

The first part of the meeting will start with a discussion: Project partners and local society – examples of involvement in cross-border cooperation, led by projects representatives. In the second part of the meeting, you will be asked to move to breakout rooms to continue the discussion, give your own examples of engaging local societies in cross-border cooperation and take a fair dose of networking.

The aim of the meeting is to connect not only the South Baltic projects but also other EU programmes and their projects which have common values and goals. We will be happy to also welcome representatives of local communities and organisations that cooperate with the EU-funded projects or would like to cooperate.

IMPORTANT – during the registration process, you will be asked to say YES to the GDPR rules.

Register here until 20 September 2021, 3 PM CET.

The GDPR rules for the meeting are here. Please, say YES during the registration if you consent to the rules.

The agenda of the meeting is available here.

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