The 18th of May is the International Museum Day, a symbolic celebration with the aim of promoting the activities of museums to the world public as “important means of cultural exchange, enrichment of cultures and development of mutual understanding, cooperation and peace among peoples.”
The theme of this year is titled “Museums, Sustainability and Well-being,” addressing their contribution to the well-being and to the sustainable development of our communities. Museums are uniquely placed to create a cascading effect to foster positive change. The potential of museums to bring about positive change in their communities are the following:
- The power of achieving sustainability, through the dissemination of information about environmental challenges to local communities. Thus, museums represent strategic partners for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
- The power of innovating on digitalisation and accessibility.
- The power of community building through education, shaping the future civil society.
In this framework, Interreg South Baltic actively supports projects in the field of sustainable tourism. One of these is “BalticMuseum: Love IT,” a project consortium led by the University of Szczecin that has established a brand to jointly promote the developed gamified services for visitors in museums in the five countries of the South Baltic region. Another valuable project is ArchaeoBalt, which develops profitable green and blue touristic Archaeoroute by connecting South Baltic Area universities, museums, and the touristic industry, delivering cross-border resources for sustainable Archaeotourism through history, culture, and nature, presenting regional heritage innovatively.
To know more about the International Museum Day and its events:
More information about the BalticMuseum: Love IT and ArchaeoBalt.